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Charlotte, NC
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About Me

If it really matters to anyone: I'm a native Houstonian (LOVE Houston!) living in North Carolina.
I'm a somewhat reserved until I get to know people- because I'm feeling their vibes. Yet, I will tell you what I think no matter what (screw tactfulness). I'm not rude or offensive about it though. :)
I can be stubborn to a fault :D
The way to my heart is anything by Rainer Maria Rilke, Khalil Gibran, C.S. Lewis, Maya Angelou, or Shakespeare!
I'm opinionated- don't like women with a mind of their own? Stay FAR away from me then!
I am a germophobe who won't always keep in touch well enough (pun intended).
I ♥ rock, so if you have a problem with that just b/c I'm black, you're a close-minded fool.
I laugh and act insane with my friends- I've had pals of every color, race, ethnicity, orientation, and religion you can think of.
I think every woman should feel beautiful & comfortable in their God-given body- despite what the media or men may tell us.
Writing is my reprieve from this God-forsaken world.
I daydream about the improbable 24/7...
I'm an advocate for the same rights for ALL people.
I get along better with people from other countries. I guess the general attitude of Americans toward people who are different from us just annoys me. NEWSFLASH: you're not amazing just b/c you're American.
(I ramble- as you can already tell, I'm sure...)
ANNOYING: smoking, rap (unless it's Kanye, the rest just sounds retarded to me), insensitivity, ebonics (seriously, WTF ARE YOU SAYING), ppl from the suburbs who think they're from the 'hood (again: retarded), female & male hoes, CHILD ABUSERS, superficiality, ignorance, RACISM, ANTISEMITIC/ ANTI-ISLAMIC or ANTI-CHRISTIAN people, and ARROGANCE! Do the world a favor and jump off of Mt. Everest...
I ♥ traveling, foreign film, fashion, culinary arts & archeology!
I'm striving to be a scriptwriter, novelist, or a magazine editor.
Hmmm, Oliver Cromwell is my ancestor (the black guy in the boat w/ George Washington as portrayed in 'Washington Crossing the Delaware'). He served w/ Washington in the Continental Army during the American Revolution.
I'm a Christian and ♥ God/ Yeshua but I am not an idiot who doesn't believe in things like dinosaurs and natural selection, or a pushover. I think what a lot of what modern organized religion is based on is due to personal gain & a lack of reading skills than what God really intends.

*Check me out on Myspace @ myspace.com/toocool4u05... or on Facebook search 'Carlais'...Ciao!*

If you liked this- CHECK THIS OUT: http://www.myspace.com/thewarmusic


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Posted 16 Years Ago

"The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth..."

-- Albert Einstein

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Posted 16 Years Ago

No problem. I have to admit that i haven't written anything in awhile. I have alot of writing books though!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

hey Kind of a random question but.... How do you like North Carolina? ive always loved visiting there and wanted your opinion. haha thanks


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Posted 16 Years Ago

i loved your review..your writing inspires me even more tho. keep it up love.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thanks for the reviews...arr...don't know what to call u :)))
That's a cool playlist u got there :)))

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Posted 16 Years Ago

thank you darling, for your review :)


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Posted 17 Years Ago

thank you for the review :)

big hugs


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the review of "In Love with A White Man." To answer your question, there is another spin off of this called "In Love With A White Woman," that really tells what happened to them at the end.

To make a long story short, my great- grandmother who was Irish, was actually killed. My great-grandfather escaped, but eventually died as well. There are plenty of stories quite similar to this in early African-American literature. Yes, you are correct that it wasn't the acceptable norm back then, so it is certainly a piece of family history I hold dear, since there is personal struggle. Thanks for your review and taking the time to read!


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Posted 18 Years Ago

i want to hug your teddy bear



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Posted 18 Years Ago

Welcome to the Cafe, Carlais.