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About Me

Hello Everyone, My name is Carla and I am glad to be a part of this group.
I have been a professional singer most of my life. I have worked as a maid, waitress, hostess, worked in factories, studied herblology, iradology, reflexology and photography for 10 years.
Of course, in between all of that, allot of life happened. I became a mother and allot of relationships came and went. What a wonderful learning adventure life has been. I am grateful!
Since the beginning of 2006, I have started my own publishing company, Harmony Soup Inc, and published my first book, What's On The Other Side Of The Rainbow?" This book serves as a powerful and unique tool for children to understand their feelings and emotions and what they are for. Instead of just what they look like and what they sound like.
There is a wonderful character by the name of "Mr. Positively" the rainbow cloud, and colorful doors with faces that show and explain the feelings and emotions explained in the book. Your child will smile and so will you when you read and discover,"What's On The Other Side Of The Rainbow?" :- )

Life is a journey and it is meant to be a joyful one.
Love to you all,
CEO/Harmony Soup Inc.
"Every Child Deserves A Taste Of Harmony Soup"