Captain Rilen : Writing

An Overdue Farewell

An Overdue Farewell

A Poem by Captain Rilen

I miss you, More than I can bare. Your soft scent, Your loving stare. It feels as if, I can still see you there. Still touch yo..


A Poem by Captain Rilen

Habits. Necessities that need to be performed within a set period of time to remain within your norm, your constant and methodical routine, your ..
Bike Ride

Bike Ride

A Poem by Captain Rilen

The wind is on my back,pushing me forward relentlessly.I keep the bike on track,As it tries to fall so profusely.The sun is to my left,dazzlingly gold..
If ignorance is bliss...

If ignorance is bliss...

A Story by Captain Rilen

Just thoughts of life and my constant confusion toward it.


A Poem by Captain Rilen

Wrote this tonight. As always, I welcome comments and criticism. Thanks for reading!
Plainly Confusing

Plainly Confusing

A Story by Captain Rilen

Critique and comment (if you'd like to). This isn't really related to anything, I just felt like exploring a different format today.
Knowledge and Nature

Knowledge and Nature

A Poem by Captain Rilen

A quick sprawl of thoughts...
Thoughts of confusion.

Thoughts of confusion.

A Poem by Captain Rilen

Just something i wrote because i felt i needed to try and understand my feelings. I don't expect it makes much sense and also doubt that it follows th..

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