Captain Rilen

Captain Rilen


Trying to discover myself through my writing. It seems to help me make sense of my thoughts and feelings.

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About Me

It was time for a new description! I'm sorry I don't review work as much but if I get a review from you I will always try to post one back once I have the time. University and work are both demanding and it takes me a lot less time to post my writing than it does for me to go through and review, which is why I have a lot less interaction with the website recently. If you would like me to review one of your pieces and I haven't yet gotten around to it, just send me a message telling me to get to it and I will. Thanks to everyone who stops by, I love writing and I love to share what I write. I've been planning a novel recently so if you're interested in reading it be sure to keep checking my page out!


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Posted 9 Years Ago

Your puppy xander looks adorable =]

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Posted 9 Years Ago

My puppy xander is the furry blob in my profile photo :P