About MeOH MA FLUFFELZ WAZZUP!!! Ha welcome dear stalker of mine. Before i continue, you must know that Im a girl. I'm probably the stupidest, retardest (I'm aware that's not a word), and craziest chick (not physco crazy I mean like fun crazy) you'll EVAR meet. If you don't like that then fudge off because I'm sick and tired of flipping haters. I CANNOT focus on a single topic for too long or else I'll go brain dead. What can i say, I'm a five year old trapped in the body of a teen. Videogames, sugar, computer, music (mainly rock), and sleeping; that's my life right there. I bite, so don't piss me off. I'm immature and I make fun of everyone. So please, don't give me that crap saying that I should act my age and stop being immature Because that's never happening! I have this retarded theory that squirrels will rule the world, and that penguins and squirrels will go into a supreme war. That, my dear stalker, is how 2011 will happen. LOL XD I'm too stupid to think of anything else so....... BYE!!!!!!!!!!!! *skips of to wonderland with a magical purple unicorn named Bob*