This is another dream I had.. Just last night. I thought it was pretty cool, and a bit out of the ordinary. But my dreams are usually like that. Thank..
Love them
The boy's name is Jason..
I'm Jessica, and 'd like you to read more to find out more about me.
Love me yet? Here's more..
I'm only a girl..
A few days later, i was sitting up in my room, doing homework. Michelle walked in and over looked my shoulder, and studied what i was writing. I lear..
I walked over to my steel bullets, and stuffed them into a bag, along with a few M-14's and two stakes. I muttered something as Mike brought over his..
I thought he was perfect..
Mike, Heather and I are out eating breakfast, just waiting for something to happen today. Ever since we entered this city, nothing murderous has happ..