Calo : Writing

Señorita: a tool if you please.

Señorita: a tool if you please.

A Poem by Calo

Señorita said: "That's an interesting exercise. I don't mind at all"Though Señorita changed her tune when her friends sang otherwise...S..
Warhol and Campbell's Soup

Warhol and Campbell's Soup

A Poem by Calo

I made a collage of some profile pages which I find interesting. Styled after Andy Warhol.
Dear Pilat

Dear Pilat

A Poem by Calo

For the love of writers cafe, crucify creativity, banish the art!


A Poem by Calo

I have put together a collage of lines from a recent and interesting 'conversation', here at writers cafe.
Over & Under

Over & Under

A Poem by Calo

I have put together a collage of titles from a writer who I think has interesting titles and made a poem of them. I just found this writer logged on t..
Alice and Fractals

Alice and Fractals

A Poem by Calo

I have put together a collage of titles from a writer who I think has interesting titles and made a poem of them. I just found this writer logged on t..
Inspector Journo

Inspector Journo

A Poem by Calo

I have put together a collage of titles from a writer who I think has interesting titles and made a poem of them. jacob erin-cilberto
Under Easy

Under Easy

A Poem by Calo

I have put together a collage of titles from a writer who I think has interesting titles and made a poem of them. I just found this writer logged on t..
Blue Note

Blue Note

A Poem by Calo

I have put together a collage of titles from a writer who I think has interesting titles and made a poem of them. I just found this writer logged on t..

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