DJ : Writing



A Poem by DJ

A reflection of the emotions I have been feeling of late.
The Gamble

The Gamble

A Poem by DJ

To chemo or not to chemo, that is the question.
No More...

No More...

A Poem by DJ

A need to express emotions after receiving some bad news in hospital yesterday
In Between... (Senryu)

In Between... (Senryu)

A Poem by DJ

Inspirations from a cancer ward
Rain in Paradise

Rain in Paradise

A Poem by DJ

A humorous jibe into relationships.


A Poem by DJ

A love that always picks me up when I am down.
Out of the Window Pain

Out of the Window Pain

A Poem by DJ

Being stuck in a hospital bed... far too long.
I Wish

I Wish

A Poem by DJ

Written for someone whose mirror deceives them


A Poem by DJ

Beating cancer
Peter Pan and the Orphan

Peter Pan and the Orphan

A Poem by DJ

An orphan's dream once dreamt.