A personal experience; this is a true story.
“Maddie! Maddie, no!” I was too late. I had turned around just in time to see my five year old daughter Madison drag a jar of marinara sa..
Hoping the gesture wouldn’t be unwelcome, I patted Jay’s back. I felt tension almost melt out of him upon contact. Since he didn’t ..
The phrase ‘home sweet home’ always used to run through my mind when I pulled into my driveway. I found myself trying to curb the habit. ..
A week later, I had still kept putting everything off. If I was at work, driving, or in bed falling asleep, I was telling myself I would get to it th..
I stopped cleaning when I put Madison to bed. I poured myself a glass of wine, intending to relax and do some more thinking. It almost seemed as if i..
I headed toward the stairs. “I haven’t mentioned the possibility of a new roommate, so for now could you make sure to keep it out of conv..
After his belly was full of food and wine, I saw Jay more relaxed than I ever had. He still looked tired, but less run down. He gave Mariah his dish,..
Jay smiled, but kept his eyes closed. “Did your parents read you fairy tales?” “Of course, and it turned me into a hopeless romanti..
My good mood stayed with me into the next day. When I woke Madison for school, the first thing out of her mouth was to ask if Jay was still there. &l..