CLCurrie : Writing

The Talking Gargoyle Part 3

The Talking Gargoyle Part 3

A Chapter by CLCurrie

Raven woke with the early morning light shaking him awake, oh no, wait it was Ariana. He opens his eyes to stare at her trying his best to not be mad...
The Talking Gargoyle Part 4

The Talking Gargoyle Part 4

A Chapter by CLCurrie

Lona was over joy being on top of the doe with Ariana. They rode beside Raven searching for the white church, but every church they came up too had..
The Talking Gargoyle Part 5

The Talking Gargoyle Part 5

A Chapter by CLCurrie

Night had fallen over the city and Lona was tightly strung in the bed fast to sleep while Raven stood by the window looking out on the street. He made..
The Talking Gargoyle Part 6

The Talking Gargoyle Part 6

A Chapter by CLCurrie

The debate wasn’t along on what to do now, Ariana wanted to teach the ex-father what happened when you sent an assassin after them, while Raven..
The Talking Gargoyle Part 7

The Talking Gargoyle Part 7

A Chapter by CLCurrie

Raven stepped out into the street shutting the door behind him as it was locked. He glanced over the street looking for any sign of trouble but stop..
The Talking Gargoyle Part 8

The Talking Gargoyle Part 8

A Chapter by CLCurrie

Ariana warped Raven’s arm after cleaning his wound right outside of the clock shop. It didn’t take long for her to clean the cuts and most..
The Talking Gargoyle Part 9

The Talking Gargoyle Part 9

A Chapter by CLCurrie

Ariana tossed herself at the Spellcrafter, but the magic in the form of the earth itself kept her from getting to him. The ground reached up swallowi..
The Talking Gargoyle Part 10

The Talking Gargoyle Part 10

A Chapter by CLCurrie

Raven tapped his fingers against his armor Ariana was taking too long for his taste. He kept glancing down at the Inn seeing no one moving but most of..
The Talking Gargoyle Part 11

The Talking Gargoyle Part 11

A Chapter by CLCurrie

Ariana thought it would have been her who kicked the door to get to Lona, but Raven beat her to it. He kicked the door in with all the might in his bo..
The Bard of Faith Part 1

The Bard of Faith Part 1

A Chapter by CLCurrie

Outside of Stormy Elder in the town of LeafcellIn the year of our Lord, 1435The town of Leafcell was a small place to live, but not small enough not t..