CLCurrie : Writing

It Only Takes One Bullet Part 4

It Only Takes One Bullet Part 4

A Chapter by CLCurrie

(Warning:This Chapter is rated Mature and may contain material unsuitable for readers under 18.)The massive steel door closed behind Jack leaving him ..
It Only Takes One Bullet Part 5

It Only Takes One Bullet Part 5

A Chapter by CLCurrie

(Warning:This Chapter is rated Mature and may contain material unsuitable for readers under 18.)A few days had died away with Jack not going back to ..
It Only Takes One Bullet Part 6

It Only Takes One Bullet Part 6

A Chapter by CLCurrie

(Warning:This Chapter is rated Mature and may contain material unsuitable for readers under 18.)Jack held Jessica tight in his arms. Everyone in the b..
It Only Takes One Bullet Part 7

It Only Takes One Bullet Part 7

A Chapter by CLCurrie

(Warning:This Chapter is rated Mature and may contain material unsuitable for readers under 18.)Jack stormed into the white room screaming for Felix t..
The Wandering Pack Part 1

The Wandering Pack Part 1

A Chapter by CLCurrie

I’m trying to write a short story for the antagonist of a new novel, and I’m posting it for the fun of it. This short story, which is not ..
The McCallion Family Test Chapter

The McCallion Family Test Chapter

A Chapter by CLCurrie

(WarningThis Chapter is rated Mature and may contain material unsuitable for readers under 18.) (1) Tallwater, North Caroline, 1924 ..
Mr. Bird and Lord Mignola Part 1

Mr. Bird and Lord Mignola Part 1

A Chapter by CLCurrie

An old spy on his last leg trying to live in peace before the super soldier serum kills him and he gets roped into helping a vampire hunter find her b..
The Talking Gargoyle Part 1

The Talking Gargoyle Part 1

A Chapter by CLCurrie

The City of Bree Late in the Afternoon in the year of our Lord, 1435 “I don’t understand why you made me give it back,” Ar..
The Talking Gargoyle Part 2

The Talking Gargoyle Part 2

A Chapter by CLCurrie

The Ghost Corpse Traven only had one room for the night and Raven along with Ariana had no choice but to agree to take it. The room was small, and it ..