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CLCurrie : Writing

Note Five

Note Five

A Poem by CLCurrie

Draft 2 By: Chase L. Currie I’ve added nothing to the world, Not a drop of Joy in this dull place, Not a shade of gray in the sh..
Note Three

Note Three

A Poem by CLCurrie

Note Three Draft 2 By: Chase L. Currie Kiss me once - And ask, “Are we going to make it, To the stars?” Kiss ..
The Mirror of Black and White Test Chapter

The Mirror of Black and White Test Chapter

A Story by CLCurrie

A test chapter for a story I'm working on, and everything may change in it soon.
The Dead Bird Trail Test Chapter

The Dead Bird Trail Test Chapter

A Story by CLCurrie

A test chapter for a story I'm working on, and everything may change in it soon.
Maddie Thann Test Chapter

Maddie Thann Test Chapter

A Story by CLCurrie

I story about werewolves I'm working on.
An Angel of Two Hearts Test Chapter

An Angel of Two Hearts Test Chapter

A Story by CLCurrie

An Angel of Two Hearts Test Chapter
Careless Thoughts and Reckless Rambles

Careless Thoughts and Reckless Rambles

A Book by CLCurrie

A bad memoir of little memories along with random thoughts during my day, I'm simply just trying to share my life with people.
Careless Thoughts and Reckless Rambles Introduction

Careless Thoughts and Reckless Rambles Introductio..

A Chapter by CLCurrie

By: Chase L. Currie “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” - Carl Jung “Above all, a well..
Here be dragons

Here be dragons

A Chapter by CLCurrie

01/01/20 Reckless Rambles By: Chase L. Currie “Here be dragons to be slain, here be rich rewards to gain; If we perish in the see..
The Roots of the Grandfather Tree

The Roots of the Grandfather Tree

A Chapter by CLCurrie

01-23-20 Careless Thoughts A Bad Memoir of Little Memories I have tried to write this thought a dozen times now … I have fai..