Today, unwrapped before youI only have words to giveNot much gold in it, so trueBut Delight you will receive.An inner joy so preciousThese brief lines..
If my words could have touched youGiven comfort, somehow blessedIf these brief lines did undoThe pain, replaced with happinessThen in some ways I have..
Perceiving the DivineWith a genie view!Drawing opaque linesThat will misconstrue.Very corporealChildish naivete,Regrettably banalMentally midget.Perce..
Form, you are the wine glass of wordsHolding verses with defined cords.Fluid thoughts flow like good wineSoothe senses other than mineWith a swirl you..
My sister's words came like blunt thunder"You are just like Daddy!"Her hidden bitterness was laid there,Uncovered from childhood memory.All these year..
He comes with grim finalityWith no qualms, takes the toll.All prayers shelved desolately,Cutting off Life is his call.He comes uninvited but on time,N..
Pristine perfect? No life could be!Broken dreams and promises, is the Reality.Our own Choices mark the journey we treadWe can make of our Past mere sh..
As this verdant shadeOf leafy canopy spreadsWind and bird songs cheer.Copyright~~~Cynthia Buhain Baello04.18.13 (posted in facebook poetry groups.)
Rosy pink as lovePerennial as hope in heartBlooms the geranium.Copyright~~~Cynthia Buhain Baello~~~04.18.13
All writers have their uniquenessNot one is an exact duplicate.However one would try to address Only a signature style liberates.No one can say one fo..