Sira YR

Sira YR


We are all pining in the dark... Looking for the light

Lorman, MS
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About Me

I'm just the lonely writer expressing her thoughts through the art of the written word.

I find that writing and art to be a special way to express myself in a forum with people who are like myself. That being said, I absolutely enjoy getting reviews from any author or writer though I might not immediately respond since I am very busy nowadays.

As far as my background is concerned, I will only divulge that I am black, and I am a black muslim and member of the New Nation of Islam: you can go here to visit the website: ( I will also say that I have never and do not ever plan to use a gun in my life nor do i support any of these unfortunate terrorist attacks- just for the record.

At the moment, I do NOT accept read requests since I am still trying to catch up on the ones that I do have. However when I do finally catch up I will start accepting them again. I also plan to be on the site more often and participate more in groups- it's just that I have been very busy and have not been in the state of mind necessary for me to write poems.

Anyway, thank you all for visiting my profile and enjoy my works.

BTW: This has never happened to me, but I still want to make things clear. If you DO NOT LIKE MY PROFILE, THEN GET OFF. I am not going to have people insult me or say obscene things about me or my works simply because of my viewpoints and/or beliefs. I came on this site to find a forum to help better my writing, not to hear some insults from people who have no better sense than to leave degrading remarks about someone who they really do not know nor have any basis for disliking other than what they read on someone's profile. I'm telling you now, if you do not like my profile, LEAVE. Again, this has never happened to me, but it has happened to other writers, so I'm just setting things straight now.


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Posted 8 Years Ago

Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you know that I will be inactive for awhile. I'm not closing my account or anything but I'm having computer issues and I'm going to get it fixed so I won't be posting more chapters right now or uploading more poems or reviewing any writing. However you may still send me read requests and whenever I get the chance, I will read and review it. Hopefully I will have my pc fixed by the end of the month so that way I can get back on track. :) Thank you all so much and take care of yourselves :D

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Posted 8 Years Ago

And u too :)

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Posted 8 Years Ago

Happy New Year! May this be such an amazing one for you in every way... :)