CAira : Writing

My Irish Love

My Irish Love

A Story by CAira

Love is a mystery. It comes out of nowhere like a tornado, and steals your heart. Love can be evil, but it can also be sweet. When love comes,it may l..


A Chapter by CAira

Not many people understand what it’s like to be unknown. They don’t understand what it feels like to be left out. They don’t see m..
People Change, But not always for the better

People Change, But not always for the better

A Book by CAira

Alice Riley lives in Belpre Ohio. With two big shot parents and a popular sister it's easy to seem invisible. But this year, Alice is changing. From h..
The beginning

The beginning

A Chapter by CAira

It was something weird about the way she glanced at me, the way her head turned as soon as our eyes met. Her hair was auburn, the same color as her ..
The encounter

The encounter

A Chapter by CAira

The hallways were crowded as usual, the sound of squeaking shoes gave me a headache. As soon as I got to my locker Lacey walked up to me with one of..
Assigned seats

Assigned seats

A Chapter by CAira

The rest of the day was a blur, Gym, Math, History. I decided to skip practice and go straight home, I needed time to take in what had happened toda..
Let's be Friends

Let's be Friends

A Chapter by CAira

It was lunch time and everyone was talking about the new teacher they had hired and how they couldn’t stand him. While I couldn’t stop t..
This isn't a date

This isn't a date

A Chapter by CAira

It was 4 o’clock and I was at ‘Junkies’, the new arcade down from the park. I was really looking forward to getting to know Naya b..
Your thoughts

Your thoughts

A Chapter by CAira

Just a little summary, and hope. :(


A Book by CAira

Danny is the new quarterback on the high school football team, hes dating the hottest girl in the school and gets invited to the best parties. But why..