CAL : Writing

Shattered Glass

Shattered Glass

A Poem by CAL

Shattered glass Fist in the wall The broken pieces show Allot of him The pain is in his life With his lonely stare Blood puddles Inside ..
Sandy Path

Sandy Path

A Poem by CAL

Because we were young Innocent on the Ocean's roar The tiger beneath me Is eating through me Because we are spiritually bound T..
Journey Home

Journey Home

A Poem by CAL

The grass is wet rain Soiled mud upon my pants The sun is dipping in and out I guide this bicycle through I feel free in the rain..
The Tide

The Tide

A Poem by CAL

This one with bait and tackle Explaining their not biting Looking for excuses Maybe it’s too cold But loving the fresh air ..
Silent Tiptoes

Silent Tiptoes

A Poem by CAL

Tired aches and pains Eyes are slow closing slits My partner says You don’t look so good Such Compliments for Curing..


A Poem by CAL

Still learning Still yearning Kicking butt But older Fighting and looking Over my shoulder Disorganized Helplessly..
Dusty Closets

Dusty Closets

A Poem by CAL

I’ve got a feeling deep inside That there’s a whisper in the halls Following me all around Leaving me death Leaving me bli..
Ladies in Blue

Ladies in Blue

A Poem by CAL

Nail and tooth fighters To the last second of truth To the last ounce of strength Past realms of courage The sun is hot burning char..


A Poem by CAL

Because hearts pump wildly Elements of surprise Are shyly dripping Upon an evening mood The night filled with music Liquid moon..


A Poem by CAL

Birth began with you connected as food to life nurtured by spirits Ocean my windswept bride have I left my selfish pride drifting toward the su..