Kiriko : Writing



A Story by Kiriko

I have always adored puppets. I love their solid midnight black eyes. These black eyed puppets lay strewn across my room. Slumped over on each o..


A Poem by Kiriko

Now I see the lights.Blinding me.I don't know how to understand.I never understand.Now your gone.Your just out my grasp.I can never love you again.Wha..
Meme 10

Meme 10

A Story by Kiriko

Pick 4 numbers from 1-10. You may repeat the numbers if you want to.Remember your numbers!Remember your numbers!Remember your numbers!Pick 4 n..
The Flicker and Ticker

The Flicker and Ticker

A Poem by Kiriko

The clouds shift in the pale gray sky.I look up at it.Rain slowly pours.The rain spills across my face.I look straight forward on theempty stree..
Meme 10

Meme 10

A Story by Kiriko

Your Boy Side[ ] you love hoodies.[ ] You lovejeans.[ ] Dogs are better than cats.[ ] It's hilarious whenpeople get hurt [ ] You've played with/agains..
You are (___) This

You are (___) This

A Story by Kiriko

[ ] consumed alcohol [ ] slept in the same bed with someone ofthe opposite sex[ ] slept in the same bed with someone of the samesex [] kissed someone ..
How much are you worth?

How much are you worth?

A Poem by Kiriko

How much % are you a Virgin?

How much % are you a Virgin?

A Story by Kiriko

Humor Meme. Kind of. No not really
How Happy are You?

How Happy are You?

A Poem by Kiriko

meme again
How much did ruin your life?

How much did ruin your life?

A Poem by Kiriko

I'm just posting Memes for my friend

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