Jade Maria : Writing

A Poem by Jade Maria

The bones will shatter, Her soul the result of batter. There are no longer days, only nights. Times when her bruises are away From..
Come Inside

Come Inside

A Poem by Jade Maria

He calls upon me when no other Will pay him any mind. To the rest of the world His crocodile tears fool none, only I. They pull ..
Kind Sir

Kind Sir

A Poem by Jade Maria

You assume this pain is your doing, Taking pride in the marks and Scars along my heart. Hide your hubris for these were self inflict..


A Poem by Jade Maria

He was the first Man she ever gave Into willingly for he was First to ask permission. Kissing her lips softly he Saw the fear..
Knowing Not

Knowing Not

A Poem by Jade Maria

She runs her fingers Along tight brown braids Hanging down the Back halfway. This child is a gem; Doe brown eyes and Porce..