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ashley.centers : Writing



A Poem by ashley.centers

Cocoons fall so hardLines cross, love sways and teetersCan you keep secrets?


A Poem by ashley.centers

She’ll drownhim out.Dancing queen
Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day

A Poem by ashley.centers

My earliest memories of youare leaving to work somewhere elseand coming home again, drunk.Passing out in the bathtub, fullyclothed, water running, and..


A Poem by ashley.centers

There lives the sweetest ignorance deep inside lies like a parent giving consolation during a hurricane because si..
Six Words

Six Words

A Poem by ashley.centers

Late night conversations produce unrequited love.
Stream of Conscious

Stream of Conscious

A Poem by ashley.centers

Uncomfortable. Thoughts rush through the spin cycle. Secrets hold the tongue of the skeptic and faith keeps the b..
Mind Buzzing

Mind Buzzing

A Poem by ashley.centers

Life is circles and when only change is constant we find ourselves with pounding hearts and our minds thrust in..


A Poem by ashley.centers

Lost. Walking in the woods praying to the heavens above for a clear mind, some spirit. Glass pierces skin, ru..
An Open Letter

An Open Letter

A Story by ashley.centers

An open letter to the world about living with a disability
After the Storm

After the Storm

A Poem by ashley.centers

She stands in front of the mirror. Broken hearted and bruised. Sweeps up shattered glass through deep breathes. Check on the children. ..

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