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Sydney Doyle

Sydney Doyle


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Between Waldorf and Winston-Salem
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I started writing in th 4th grade when I decided that the endings to some of my favorite movies werent good enough for me. I moved on to spin offs and same character-diferent stories in middle school. By 9th grade I had 2 short novels in production which ended up being eaten by my computer.Working on a series called "Cons and Courts" and looking for a male writer to be my counterpart in this series. I cant help that I dont have the necessary part, gosh! I'm a published poet, and I'm currently in college for a BA in Enlgish/Creative Writing and a teacher certificate in English. Some people dont get my lack of logic and my love of contradictions so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and a tiny heads up, everything I write has a double meaning unless I say other wise.