About Me![]() LoveMyProfile.com <3 Profile Counters I hope that you check out the people below, because they are all seriously awesome! You love hoodies. You love jeans. Dogs are better than cats. It's hilarious when people get hurt. You've played with/against boys on a team. Shopping is torture. Sad movies suck. You own/ed an X-Box. Played with Hotwheel cars as a kid. At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter. You own/ed a DS, PS2 or Sega. You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers. You watch sports on TV. Gory movies are cool You go to your dad for advice. You own like a trillion baseball caps. You like going to high school football games. You used to/do collect football/baseball cards. Baggy pants are cool to wear. It's kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people. Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors. You love to go crazy and not care what people think Sports are fun. Talk with food in your mouth. Sleep with your socks on at night YOUR GIRL SIDE: You wear lip gloss/stick. You love to shop. You wear eyeliner. You wear the color pink Go to your mom for advice. You consider cheerleading a sport. You hate wearing the color black. You like hanging out at the mall. You like getting manicures and/or pedicures. You like wearing jewelry. Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe. Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies. You don't like the movie Star Wars. You were in gymnastics/dance. It takes you around/ more one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up. You smile a lot more than you should. You have more than 10 pairs of shoes. You care about what you look like. You like wearing dresses when you can. You like wearing body spray/perfume/cologne. You love the movies. Used to play with dolls as little kid. Like putting make-up on someone else for the joy/joke of it. Like being the star of every thing WHAT AM I? PREP You own a cell phone. You own something from Abercrombie You own something from Pacsun You own something from Hollister You own something from American Eagle You love/like going to the mall. You own an iPod/MP3 player. You love Starbucks. You have been called a brat. You hate buying things that are on sale You have more than one house Total: 3 GOTHIC Black is one of your favorite colours. You have thought about death. You wear chains. You like heavy metal. You've shopped at Hot Topic. You have worn black lipstick. Your hair was/is dark. (It’s natural, I swear.) You dislike preps. You're an athiest/ satanist/agnostic. Total: 4 PUNK You can skateboard You've worn plaid. You like Converse You hate MTV You have/had blue, pink, red, purple, or green hair. You dislike pink. You hate/dislike preps. You wear/wore skateboarding shoes. Total: 1 GEEK You love the computer. You like Harry Potter You are wear glasses/contacts You get straight A's. You love/like reading. You were/are in band. You don't care what you look like. You have a curfew. You always do your homework. You never miss school unless you're sick. Total: 5 EMO You cut yourself over depression You have been depressed. You have black rimmed glasses. You cry easily You like emo music. You hate being called emo. You keep/have kept a journal/diary. You have written a sad poem You think emo chicks/Guys are hot Total: 4 GHETTO/GANGSTA You like rap. You are/was in a gang. You wear/wore rubberbands in your pants. You swear once in a while or a lot. You have freestyled. You have worn high tops with the tongue flipped out. You can break dance Total: 0 HARDCORE/SCENE You like loud music You love/loved the Ninja Turtles You never walk anywhere. You wear slip-on shoes. You wear/wore Vans. You like the band panic! at the disco You wear band t-shirts. People have called you a freak and meant it. You love to "hardcore" dance. Your hair has been died more than 1 color. Total: 0 ATHLETIC You watch/watched the Superbowl. You own track shoes or other sports related shoes. You collect your jerseys. You have a wall or shelf dedicated to your trophies / awards You have posters or plaques of famous athletes. Your garage consists of sports equipment You belong/belonged to a school team. You are going/did go to a sports summer camp You have a specific number Total: 3 |