The Goddess Jen

The Goddess Jen


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Colorado Springs, CO
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About Me

I am a poet and songwriter. I am a 22-yr-old Mother of two amazing little boys. I am a lover, a fighter, a dreamer. I am awed and inspired by nature. I've had, to say the least, a pretty difficult life...writing has been my way of getting things out of my head for well over ten years now! There is much more to me, so if you'd like to know...message me...or read my stuff for that matter! ;) Brightest Blessings!

Crossfade - Dead Skin


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Im looking forward to reading your workl!!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hello there. :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Yeah, I consider myself a Christian because I believe in Christ. Not because I go to Church and think my s**t doesn't stink. LOL. I don't like the Church. I guess that's what "Crucified" was about. And I think I remember you saying something in the forum about being a Pagan... That belief system is as sacred as Christianity for me, it's older and deserves respect. Without it, we probably would not have alot of denominations today. I guess you would tech say I'm a Spirtualist, but I choose the term Christian because I accept Christ as my saviour. Though, if you've read my work you'll understand, alot of people find me labeling myself as such offensive because I don't go to Church, I'm gay, and I don't believe everything that's written in the Bible... But, that's between me and God. Or something like that... LOL. I've been skeptical about posting my religious writing on here (Crucified and Jellyfish) but I think that's a side of my life that's ok to share now. I don't know why, I guess if people can handle me writing things about me snorting cocaine, getting raped, attempting suicide, and sex, they can handle me talking negativly about the Church in one poem and declaring my faith in another. LOL. There's no subject I won't tackle I think. Thanks again. And f**k no, you didn't offend me! LOL ;-)


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Posted 17 Years Ago

LOL. Thanks for reviewing "Crucified". I still consider myself a Christian today, there are just many hypocracies in the church, I won't lie... Some of them disgust me. The line you liked at the end was one I've always loved... Tori Amos' friend Beene told her (after she suffered many miscarriages) to "get off the cross, we need the wood" when Tori said she must be being punished for her sinful songs regarding the church. I've wanted to use that in a poem ever since I read it in Tori's biography "Piece by Piece". Anyways... glad you liked the poem. There are many subtle things in it, glad you were catching on to them. Can't wait to return the favor!

Adam ;-)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

hey jen, thank you so much for your comments! and i understand having alot on your plate and not being able to do everything at once. it is very interesting that we posted similar things at the same time...and thank you for offering to help with grammar, i dont understand why i am so bad at it. i guess because i dont really care about it when im writing, and i dont revise because i know i will take something out that was written the way it was written when i was writting it. thank you and im planning on reading your new work soon!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

hello witch, i'm sort of a dreamer. and i mean it in the shaman kind of way. nice to meet you.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you for reviewing My Valentine. It is one of my most favorite pieces, I don't have many but this one is special to me. I'm very moved that you found yourself in tears over it's tragedy. I'm also moved you think so highly of it. Thank you. :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

thank you for reiviewing my memoirs. did you read the first part because it would probably be confusing if you hadnt. the third person thing isnt really third person. im struggling with making the transiton easier between but it isnt comming and a part of me wants it to be confusing at first becuase i havent gotten into what the story is really about yet. but thank you for your insight and i will try to ease transitions.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

hi, thank you for reviewing my sailor story, i know it was long. yeah youre right it is choppy. lol but its only a second draft, its funny because i dont usually write fluffy stuff so it was a challenge. One day i would like to have it published along with some other childrens stories i have written. thanks again

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Posted 18 Years Ago

What a pity that you can�t smile! Welcome.