Jenny Johnson

Jenny Johnson


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Palmer, AK
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About Me

Hi My name is Brooke but you can call me Jenny. I have just become one to write. So they may not be that good at first. but as they say everything take's time. I have spending alot more time writing lately, ever since a good friend "Peter" started me out writing. I am always writing, even if i do not notice it. I will look down at my notebook or a blank sheet of paper, even a napkin, and there it is a brand new poem. sometimes a world of hurt and sometimes words of lust and love. so who knows what is to come next. Be sure to read my poems, and I hope that you like them.

Brooke Aka Jenny


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Posted 17 Years Ago


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi. Just wanted to stop by and say welcome to the Cafe. I hope you enjoy it here and find much to read that you enjoy, and a wide audience for your writing.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

lol, luv your pic ;P