BrokenLight : Writing

Hearing the Whispers

Hearing the Whispers

A Poem by BrokenLight

Hearing them at this moment
Whispering Voices Of the Night

Whispering Voices Of the Night

A Poem by BrokenLight

Something I hate to admitt
My Life (11-04-2009)

My Life (11-04-2009)

A Story by BrokenLight

I wrote this when I was highly depressed, I fell in love with a friend and we became close. But throught everyhting me and her gone through the relati..
The Heartache

The Heartache

A Poem by BrokenLight

Just a poem i wrote when i was depressed
Never Going Back

Never Going Back

A Poem by BrokenLight

A poem about my Ex Best Friend (we put each other through so much s**t, that we just got tired of it)
 Darling Angels

Darling Angels

A Poem by BrokenLight

A poem about parents and children
Lie to herself

Lie to herself

A Poem by BrokenLight

I'm lying to myself, and being pushed out by my family and can't scream for help. Because i know they really won't do anything to help. So i lie to my..

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