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Kent, WA
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I'm very weird i feel broke but look happy. there's something about me that makes people happy. i love to make people feel better


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Posted 14 Years Ago

thank you! that is very nice, i loved it

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Posted 14 Years Ago

It is good to have a friend...
Someone to comfort, and someone to be comforted by.
Someone to trust, and someone to be trusted by.
Someone to play with, and someone who will play with you.
It is good to have a friend...
A true friend offers respect and honesty.
A true friend shows consideration and trust.
A true friend cares and supports gently.
True friends work together as a team.
It is good to have a friend...
Friendship is a very special gift.
Friendship is a very special bond.
Friendship is a very special relationship between and among people.
It is good to have a friend...
When one has a friend, one can feel loved for being oneself.
When one has a friend, one can believe and rejoice in the moment.
When one has a friend, one can travel through life in contentment.
It is good to have a friend...
Hand-to-hand, heart-to-heart, spirit-to-spirit,
Friendship is the key that opens the door to harmony,
The river of peace, and the hope of the future.
It is good to have, and to be, a friend.

- by Mattie J.T. Stepanek