BrokenPaladin : Writing

Did you bring a peach

Did you bring a peach

A Poem by BrokenPaladin

in hale soft penetration nippling at my back side. Touching my breast caressing. This is not the f**k me harder go faster it is the love me soft..
Fire Beside my Waters Bed

Fire Beside my Waters Bed

A Poem by BrokenPaladin

Slowly in depth take in haste a great exhale. Allowing eye lash to touch such soft skin. Not to sleep yet only of dreams arising to live again, ..
Think not

Think not

A Poem by BrokenPaladin

How dose it feel me standing here and you there. Slowly sly back but you stand to much pride to move this is how I know I have the moves. On this ..
I wish you could see me be beautiful

I wish you could see me be beautiful

A Poem by BrokenPaladin

strength found when those around want to hurt you.
Not so Empty

Not so Empty

A Poem by BrokenPaladin

Some time I need to remind myself to look upon the world in a new light.

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