BrittanyW427 : Writing

A day at school part 1.

A day at school part 1.

A Chapter by BrittanyW427

It was a beautiful spring morning and all kids headed to Sandy Holgate School, Mrs.Lanchester pulled over her car by the school gate,letting Illyria g..
A day at school part 2.

A day at school part 2.

A Chapter by BrittanyW427

The lunch bell had rang and all students ate in the cafeteria or outside,Illyria smiled and sighed abit as Jezebel and Delilah both fought over where ..
Chiller Love

Chiller Love

A Book by BrittanyW427

Illyria Lanchester,a 14 year old girl who is a fan of monsters or anything just strange and scary,but she has a dark romantic friendship with someone ..

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