Brett Pritchard : Writing

Rich B******s in Range Rovers

Rich B******s in Range Rovers

A Poem by Brett Pritchard

A reflective piece of writing about society and the world.
You're a Carer

You're a Carer

A Poem by Brett Pritchard

A short piece, celebrating the hard working men and women of the care sector.
Pennies From Heaven

Pennies From Heaven

A Story by Brett Pritchard

Have you ever wondered if maybe ghost are real, but so real and so commonplace, that you walk by then every day but don't even notice them...?
The End of The Rainbow

The End of The Rainbow

A Story by Brett Pritchard

They wrapped it up in nice colors not seeking to hurt, anger or offend, but nobody every dared to open it not realizing it to in fact herald the end.
The Dead of Night

The Dead of Night

A Story by Brett Pritchard

The Night is quiet and nothing stirs, yet alone you're not in a way you can't give words. Nothing to be seen yet something you feel, if existence is b..
The End of The World

The End of The World

A Story by Brett Pritchard

It's the end of all things I do think it's true, if I had to blame anyone I'd only choose you. Your selfish and evil it has to be said, you should thi..
Stay Home Save Lives

Stay Home Save Lives

A Story by Brett Pritchard

Stay Home and Save Lives, don't be selfish even while time flies. Live in concealment and do not reach out, Stay Home and Save Lives until time runs o..


A Story by Brett Pritchard

Yes, there’s no doubt, friendship can be a lovely thing. It’s also however a fact that if you put your faith in a person and invest too mu..
In or Out?

In or Out?

A Story by Brett Pritchard

Are you in, or are you out? Do you know what this is all about? Have you made a decision, a final choice? If you haven't done so then where is your vo..


A Story by Brett Pritchard

I awake in the dirty alley and I’m cold and alone, and it’s raining. I have a gnawing sense of dread and fear engulfing my heart and a fee..

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