Anyone, prepared to kill for moneyis not going to be too worried about killingyou, either.
A small, portable,solar,rechargeable,battery-powered,autonomous, mechanical android device that identifies loose rocks and safelydiscards them to the ..
104% guaranteed to have been subconsciously ripped-off from Facebook.
Here, presented with no express guarantee, either implied or given in regard to the actual authentic statistical rank of the prevalence of these words..
All coincidence to actual instances considered previous are to be considered purely coincidental.
The moonwith all her light,throughevery archway.
The problem has always been, that the White man thought it needed to be kept secret, from the Black manthis, dire equation:White man with black woman ..
It's certainthat each of ushas seenfar tooMany guns.
One thing, is certain.There exists, in at least, one place,some where, a secretfile in which,most certainly,lie,the words,'Brett Hernan-Australian Poe..
She returned.Just to take. One last look.