Where is...That other sock..?
THIS HOUSE IS CONDEMNEDsign, Long since,by small kids, on a Saturday afternoon dare.Stolen,then Fought overOak tree, in front yard,invitingheavy-laden..
Presume.Be violent.Spy.
Remember.Never Forget.Memory.
first syllableglass tooth roof diamond juiceorangejuice concentratetruce made to regroup forced to reroute rewiring, exactly, A century agoTo returnIt..
According, to the business card he’d just handed me,
his personal details, began with...
‘John Trance-Electric,Holographic,..
His night in intensive carewas followed by three,unexpected,*eight hour chunksAt least, it was a private,single roomInsomniac again,he asked the ever-..
People Remain Fascinatedby The Works of Insane Writers.For;Each Mind WondersOf it's OwnSanityWishing To Explore Contrastand Compare
The only cash Some people use around here Is stolenAnd what, Do they Do with it?Buy FoodThe SupermarketChangeContains Rare Examples of Miss Struck coi..