In a city where nightmares and fantasy become reality, Aiden and Reagan are tasked with tracking down a kidnapped girl. Do the patrons of The Dancing ..
I enjoy the idea of an angel of death, a representation of death personified in the form of a heavenly messenger. This, well, is kinda a poem expressi..
This is a poem about lost love.
I've posted scenes two and three because, to me, they're the most interesting parts - so far.This is my recently-started science-fiction epic. Overall..
I wrote this for Billie Ray, a main character in one of my novels.
This is another nonsensical poem.
I'm not going to claim a point behind this one. I wrote, and this is what came to be.
Aye, this is a weird one.
In a roundabout way, this poem's about love; in another, truer way, it's about loss - giving up what you care for.
This poem has to do with a group, Blue Outfit, within my newest novel.