Hand in hand on a cliff’s edge
Walking to a stunning view,
The eternal beauty in your soul.
Stabbed, slashed, silenced,
Your evil smile fa..
Why should my heart dwell on thee,
When dark is the night calling me?
I would say I wander aimlessly,
Confused and alone in the dark.
But that wou..
Like misty menthol smoke
Your warmth draws me near.
Like vampires drawn to blood
I am drawn to you,
Wanting you again and again
Like the taste of..
Foot switches foot on the icy floor.
Hands warmed by a cup of minty coffee.
Stirring ashes of yesterday’s fire,
Embers alight, dancing, breat..
Bruised andbroken by stormy seas,
Wavering and lost you search for shores of hope,
Finding me instead, drowning in turbulent waters.
You took me ..