These days, the idea of global peace is considered first-class naivety, whilst psychological egoism is necessary over-indulgence.
Going to a mall is always enough to give me an existential crisis and make me contemplate the collective mentality of my generation.
We are horrified by our government's invasion of privacy, whilst we frivolously advertize and publicize our every thought and action.
Some interesting articles found their way to me recently, resulting in this. Themes of prayer versus meditation, psychological projection, the limitat..
Reflecting on the concepts of government, jurisdiction, authority and sovereignty. Interesting and revealing etymologies.
Contemplating the concept of freedom and its place in society.
Simple confusion and contemplation
There is a cruel man who causes much pain and suffering in the life of a woman I love. This is for him, with the story of Jonah and the whale as a met..
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed." -Carl Jung
Thoughts on the cruelty of some people, and trying to understand why some people eventually "snap".