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Bredasdorp, South Africa
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Fhasha Qii Fhasha Qii

A Book by Bradly

Days End Days End

A Poem by Bradly

Numb Numb

A Poem by Bradly

Amonotony Amonotony

A Poem by Bradly

Afloat Afloat

A Poem by Bradly

About Me

I was born in Pretoria, South Africa and have lived an interesting life filled with both happiness and sadness. I have no regrets though.

I'm studying Educational Psychology with the hopes of one day working in a school with troubled children. I would ultimately like to open my own practice. I'm currently working in as a Ballroom and Latin dance instructor, a teacher's assistant for our local primary school and a network administrator for our local high school. I'm also an afternoon tutor for three delightful children.

I hope this community will help me to improve my writing skills as I work towards my first novel.