"Please be careful.""Mother relax. Something out there is calling meand I have to find it."Be weary of her songShe hides below, but reaches your soulH..
Inspiration from "Svrcina- Meet me on the Battlefield"
I don't own this poem, but I remember reading this somewhere and was instantly hooked!
*Tomorrow is never promised* No matter how big or small, always make time to say i'm sorry, and I love you..let them help you through it; love you thr..
The world is all about power.Trying to be more powerful than someone else.Governments overthrowing one another, cities becoming unknown lands for the ..
My heart hurts to even beginbut somewhere within I know this is right.I have made many mistakes before, some not so purebut my experience as a parent,..
I put as a story, because it's not very "poem" material..but realistically non of my work is lol The old wives tales talk of the dangers lurking in th..
Our world who once was supportive of those hurt, has now turned to a corrupt system where the predator is protected and the victims are punished. Ista..
Her kingdom had fallen, because of her cruel and evil father the King. Now she awaits her fate, accepting for her people because they needed justice.
Just words that are the start of a story