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Piqua, OH
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Reading and writing have always been forms of escapism for me. Some days, I would much rather be engrossed in a story, be it my own or from someone else--I am sure many people can relate to this.

As a 20 something, living in a part of the U.S. that is commonly described as being "boring," I don't actively seek the pleasures of my age group (alcohol, recreational drugs, hooliganism). If you haven't guessed from my intentional vagueness, I live in Ohio. When I am not fighting boredom at home, I am a full-time student.

I am currently a senior at Adrian College (MI), majoring in Japanese Studies and minoring in English Writing. As of right now, I have no idea what the future has in store for me. I have applications lined up for graduate school, specifically Eastern Michigan University and the University of Hawaii at Manoa (both schools for Lingusitics), and I have applied to the JET Program. If I am not accepted into these programs, I will likely go back to school. It is my hope that the next few months bring clarity to the dense fog that is currently my life.

I've never really committed to a writing project outside of a classroom because I, like many, give the excuse that "I lack the time to write." I am hoping that this year will be a productive year; I hope to go where no Don has gone before--forgive the cheese. I have some ideas that I have discussed with friends, and it would be great to see them turned into a physical novel.

I enjoy stories of all kinds. A good piece of writing, no matter the genre, is one that makes each page turn--forgive this hackneyed expression.

As a reader, I am shamed to admit that I am not more versed in the classics. After I graduate, I am taking time to read all the books and stories that I have neglected throughout college--the list is quite long--but, heck, Ohio is boring anyways.

体に気をつけてください。(Take care of yourselves).


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thank you for your review :) I appreciate your words! I'll for sure return the favour, but just gotta get through final exams first!