Bohrium Guy : Writing

Soul Dancing

Soul Dancing

A Poem by Bohrium Guy

Just a thought on love...Yep I kinda have a admiration for writing for such....
Sweet In-a-Sense

Sweet In-a-Sense

A Poem by Bohrium Guy

Breakup's last forever along with reflections in time...


A Poem by Bohrium Guy

When you want to reach out but you know the person will probably reject your attempt
Twisted Nightmares

Twisted Nightmares

A Poem by Bohrium Guy

Some feelings I retain at night when the nightmares still remain.
The Sword of Life

The Sword of Life

A Poem by Bohrium Guy

Some thoughts on how we move through life
Wings of an Angel

Wings of an Angel

A Poem by Bohrium Guy

Some emotions felt here
A World Gone Cold

A World Gone Cold

A Poem by Bohrium Guy

As the world seems to have lost the meaning of care, religion and the passion for life.
Will You Remember Me?

Will You Remember Me?

A Poem by Bohrium Guy

Some thoughts on how people will really see me.
The Wall of Denial

The Wall of Denial

A Poem by Bohrium Guy

Just some passing thoughts
The Rainbow

The Rainbow

A Poem by Bohrium Guy

Some games of words I done elsewhere.