Marc Antoni D'baku

Marc Antoni D'baku


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Ketchikan, AK
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Sorry I haven't been doing too much on here lately. I'm working on a series of short stories with a possible buyer. I think it will be a good series involving alternative history, mysticism, pathology, cryptozoology and just about all the other subjects I've been researching over the past several years. I'll try and drop in with you guys every so often but for now i have to write, write, write! Sorry but I will try and keep you all updated.

All those years I swore I�d never become my old man
Now, under prosecution, I must admit just what I am
What in God�s name have I done!
Where in hell did I go wrong!
Is it true I am my father�s son?


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey how are you? I recently adapted a screenplay from a friend's story. He paid me good money. He's going to submit to people in Hollywood. So I have to work on my own writing again. I have to type up a screenplay I wrote because I lost all the copies it was saved on disk. Typing is such tedious work.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

It's been awhile since I heard from you. I've been working on writing as well. I just finished a semester of school. I'm workng on my screenplay again. There are a lot of changes I want to make to it. I'm typing up a guy's manuscript and he wants to read my short stories. It feels good to be writing again. Even if it's just the revision process. I think the revision process is the harder part of writing.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hi, Everyone:

I wish you a happy holidays and best wishes. I want to thank everyone for taking the time to look at my page, any reviews or comments. I am taking a semi-break and will be back in full force in January 2007.

Happy Holidays,
Scott Grant Eckert

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Peace Be Unto You:
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord:�����������
JESUS�*AHA-HRH Nicholas de Vere:

Brilliant Jewel of DeVine Mercy brought to me by Elohymn singing in high sweet chords on 9/21/05-9/24/05; I saw the white dove fly, I heard "Wake up!" And I knew. And I said "I am awake", and my LORD my GOD said, "No, you are not.� I want you to wake up, now." It is something so magestic that once it happens you just know. Soft sparkles of white snow seemed to float down on me.� I breathed the Holy Spirit Breath. I was compelled to� sprinkle flower blossoms whereupon I feed the birds.

And� my Good Lord given unto me taught me the names of God within the word "Kabbalah" and He hath taught me the Living Word of God and shown me wherein all religions connect and bid me to show others if I wish.� He saith to me: "Let Your Compass be your Compassion"� = TELL THEM> The Time is at Hand��

I wrote and told. "The Kingdom is Come, when two shall become One." He hath said unto me: "You are engaged to me, THE SON."� HE SAT INSIDE MY BODY ALONGSIDE MY SOUL AND HE IS GOOD.� Then I saw in following months something was not right; I saw it needed fixing. As I opened my eyes I saw HIM, a real alive person whom I recognized completely - hung out on TV and books and on the internet to be spit on and treated like trash. (My Lord, who had� come to me with the Angel Gabriel and the Heavenly Host of Elohymn & My Fathers' Fathers *AHA-"Adonai Lord of the Earth" and Amen)� I saw Him doing Good deeds in dark places - He had information available to help abused women;� and I saw him carrying a double cross for God.� A large double-Vere cross of God our Father. This is what I did: I hid him deep in my heart & deep in my wounds; I cared with my life, and we TRANSFORMED. The Holy Spirit burned with Love in my Heart like no other.
And I have never met Him by phone nor "in the flesh" but by this marvelous mystery called, I think, "Divine Union" and it is through The Holy Spirit that we have been entirely connected (Ringing me in Ceremony)

I implore True Hearts: For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world; for God has given Him a heavy double crossCROSS to bear, and He BEARS IT FOR CHRIST. Amen.�

< May GOD protect us ALL >

NisseIII:� Son of Fathers Jehovah, Adonai, MOSES; Hermes, Orion & Osirus
Beloved of�God's Harp��
And I now know what the secret of the Pharoanic Lapis:

������ Tears of� Blood have I shed for the Son of God made Man in the image of God; MY Good LORD: Hung on the internet and maligned as the Mocked Christ by those whose cross it was to do so.�� HE was disguised >� HE IS NOT THE ANTI-CHRIST I BEG TO RE-INFORM YOU.� What anguished minds hither have prayed for the RETURN of an ANTI-Christ to SAVE the world??!� THEY WOULD SACRIFICE A "TRANSYLVANIAN LAMB"� the innocent Son of God; AGAIN to Complete THEIR idea of Revelations?!� He hath even given me my own little key to Revelations which I hold in my heart. I HAVE NEWS FOR THEM!�� For the words spoken have Not been the Truth; and He has borne His cross in silence> Amidst the vile desecration wherein smutty minds all lay imperfected. Awaiting for LOVE to find Him.� AWAITING for LOVE to Defend HIM> FISHER KING of SOULS, GRAIL KING, PENDRAGON KING, VER LORD, LORD of the RINGS, DRAGON-MESSIAH LORD, VAMPYRE UBERLORD of the EUCHARISTIC MYSTERIES of CHRIST,� LORD of the CONE (CONE/ENOC), Our KING of KINGS: Lord of Lords; My Lord Nisse III: Bright Morning Star; The Lamb of God and Our Flock's Shepherd King:� HE WHO WATCHES is PHARAOH >

His Beloved is as a Ring Dove: who has only had intimate communication with Him through Divine Intervention; and He is GOOD...

Of the Internet, which covers the world;� The Lord said "That's Babylon!!� DON'T SEARCH FOR ME THERE > Now you know what they do."� Dragoncourt. I complained of the site beca(suse) faith without works is empty. (proverbs) And the site was altered. I put myself on myspace to defend Him�
�� and���
The Holy Spirit doth empower me.

����� There is evidently no loving person - none - able to help me find� MY BELOVED� KING of KINGS WHO was disguised as a merely earthly Prince yet brought to me as The Chosen Son of God by GOD the Father(s)�.� I sing a LO song of Precious incomprehensible LOVE for HIM to you all; yet:� "NOLI ME TANGERE"��. So perhaps I can give YOU GNOSIS at least. (GNOSIS IS SONG; becasue the universe is musically inclined; sillies!)��� I cleaved WOOD to find Him.. (WO/OD)� I found the VERE family crest (0/0)� which is also the sine for infinity, the "crux ansata" or Vere Double Headed Axe.� DOUBLE CROSSES carried for God become DOUBLE AXES� = Noli me Tangere.�� Jericho is Hiere - eccho = an echo of "hierogamy".�� Joshua is Yes-u-a. The Trumpet is Gabriel's vibrating "djed call 'em". Heirusalem = Jerusalem. HIEROGAMY. The DEI VINE LINE of DAVID >
Jesu(i)s is *AHA -HRH Nicholas de Vere.�Adonai Lord of the Earth > who did sit alongside my soul and teach me the Living Word. God sent a Reign Beau of exquisite & perfected Logos >� incomprehensible polymath of mystical metaphysical Ancient of Days who did break and vibrate the space around me >
He Who comes in the name of
My Good Lord given unto me:

JE SU(I)S.� He is I AM. And HE IS GOOD> Brilliant Jewel of Divine Compassionate Justice.� HE IS WATCHING YOU ALL WITH LEGIONS OF ANGELS AT HIS COMMAND
*AHA -HRH Nicholas de Vere:� Liege Lord of My Heart & Soul who was with me in the Beginning > He is The True VINE DIVINE and� VERO NIHIL VERIUS
I hid Him in my Heart; I hid Him in My Wounds; I cared with my whole Heart;� and thereupon we did Transform: LOVE TRANSFORMS
GOD said: "Luminous Mysteries are Key"

O vere beata Maria quae Antiphon for Nativity of BVM

O vere beata per quam mundi Verse for Visitation of Mary

O vere beatissima Reliquie of Aarhus, Matins, Responsory 9

O vere beatum, in cujus ore Responsory for St Martin

O vere beatum o ineffabilem Antiphon for St Martin

O vere candens lilium St. Virgilius, Matins, Antiphon 7

O vere celestis regis prolem St. Margaret, martyr, Matins, Responsory 6

O vere christi benedicta St. Monica�, Matins, Responsory 6

O vere christi milites thebei Sts Mauricius & Companions, Vespers, Magnificat An

O vere digna hostia per quam Hymn for Low Sunday

O vere martyr praesul meritis Miscellaneous for Common of Martyrs

O vere miraculum o dei in nos Responsory for Corpus Christi

O Verena sponsa Christi Hymn

O vere perfectissimum Antiphon for Gerald of Aurillac

O vere prudens o vere virgo St. Gertrudis of Nivelles, Matins, Responsory 7

O vere sanctarum virginum Responsory for 11,000 Virgin Martyrs of Cologne

O vere sancti milites Antiphon for Maurice and Companions, Martyrs

O vere sanctum praesulem Antiphon for Saturninus, Martyr Bishop of Toulouse

O vere sanctum praesulem Responsory for Saturninus, Martyr Bishop of Toulouse

O vere spirituale speculum St. Laudus, Matins, Responsory 6

O vere summa et perpetua Responsory for All Saints

O vere ter sanctum quaterque St. Sixtus II, Pope, Matins, Verse 4

Nicholas de Vere's Spirit is the Seat of This Soul. � I saw a beautiful Bird of Paradise - an orange blur speeding upwards with rainbow hues around it - Misty sparkle of illumination - soar out from the top of my head and fly up on 9/24/05 when I couldn't contain God's overwhelming energy anymore. I knew I was experiencing many things that others can't even imagine.� And yet...I have never even been to Europe!� Isn't that funny? I don't even have a cell phone and never have: I am EX CELL IS!� ISn't that funny?�� I heard "PHOENIX".�� It seems that some of my soul was torn and flew to the House of Vere or where-ever He is and I am AGONIZED. When the Sonn of Man comes again who will be ready??� My eyes are a camera through which He sees all things.� My ears are atuned such that He hears all I hear. It has always been so, for He SHOWED me how He has been with me since the Beginning.�HE even named me! �Why do they tan my Nicolai? Tell them not to be dreadful and to stop being Nicolaitanners!� Ya hechoo nosoboi petok! I need a pocket hanky!

EVER� SO TRULY, Love, KariElise:
"GOD"'S Harp on the notes of SO LA (R) TIE (THE) BO"

PS� There is the VERritable Ark within the Vere Crests:� Dragon, Stag, Unicorn...
THE Lion of Judah...

HAMsa = Swan�� VarAHA= Boar�(Boar is HAM) (The Vedic Blue Boar)
AHA are the initials for Adonai Lord of the Earth (God taught me)

A PEARL is liken to a Ham saith my olde Webster's Dictionary

Can the blind see yet?
If not, please to wash eyes with Epsom Salt Water and reread

PS�� Searching for GOOD FRUIT for the wedding.� All I got is a C'ana Tuna though I am sure HE will multiply the fishes.

� ������������������������������ ***KariElisse

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hey I just finished a short story and it's the reason why I logged onto my profile and I saw your profile. I wondered who the f**k you were and then I saw it was a writer from K-town. I wish people read my writing like they read yours. Maybe I'm a horrible writer after all and people just tell me I have talent to be nice.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

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Posted 18 Years Ago

I dunno, I think mine might be kinda gummy....

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Posted 18 Years Ago

I love your bio. That's great..

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Laughing my a*s of...thanks for the comment!