Bobworth F. Nilly : Writing



A Story by Bobworth F. Nilly

Kimbland"Noooo!" Kimble screamed, "It's mine, all mine, you can't take it!". Then boom, she woke up in a flash. Today was her birthday, and she got e..


A Poem by Bobworth F. Nilly

763... I miss my ex wife 945... she was the queen bee of her hive568...a lot of food she ate654... i miss shenequa


A Poem by Bobworth F. Nilly

Its a haiku
“My Septemeber Eleventh Story”

“My Septemeber Eleventh Story”

A Story by Bobworth F. Nilly

“My Septemeber Eleventh Story”By: Bob Nilly The only memories I have from Septemeber 11, 2001 is what my parents have told me. For the lon..
"Grow up already"

"Grow up already"

A Screenplay by Bobworth F. Nilly

CHARACTERSEMILY: 13 year - old, eighth grade, short, blonde hair, a little insecure, tries to hangout with the “popular crowd”REBECCA: 17 ..

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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