M. L. Zane

M. L. Zane


Sit back, relax, and enjoy the story.

Canton, OH
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About Me

UPDATE: Song of Sinai is finished. Sample chapters available. Give it a peek. If you like, you can pick up a copy for your Kindle here:


Now, on with the profile.

I gave up a promising career as an editor to become a writer, no longer content being hidden in the background and shadow of the work of others. Now, I want a slice of the pie, and I wish to prove both to others and myself that I can be great. Though I still do editing independently, my passion is for writing, and I disappear for long periods of time into my office to work on another passage. Every day, I want it more and more, tweaking and perfecting until my work is ready for the light of day.

Jon Stewart once said that "nobody that young should be that good". I am no actor, but I wish to rise to that challenge. I am that young, and I think my work is of merit and strength. One day, I dream of being a well known author and making my family proud. I write for them, for friends, and for those trapped in between. You poor, poor frienmily.

Blog: http://zaneteaser.blogspot.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RunIscariot


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Posted 11 Years Ago

Oh, thank you Arzel. I've been dying for reviews to get the word out there about this novel. Self marketing is an absolute nightmare. Well, if a Kindle edition is easier, it IS on Amazon. Same name, same author. And, please, spread the word! I need a fan base like a starving man needs bread.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Hi, Zane. I took a peek of your book entitled Song of Sinai. You really have a flair for writing. You grabbed my attention at the very first few words! I have trouble reading stories/novels online so I'm sorry if I can't read and review them. I'll shelve the chapters in my library for future reading, just in case I get the chance to print them out. Again, you rock. :)