Today's an ending. The last
of my Write to Recovery sessions. And while it may seem final, I want to remind
myself that although the sessions may ha..
Born mid December, already a
week late but heifers always are according to my Dad. Farming's always come
first over family with him so my part in hi..
The problems I have are all
in my head I'm told and up until now that's what I have believed. My brain
focuses on the negatives, the self criticism ..
back can be cruel or kind, all depending on the nature of my mind. Retracing
past places and faces, including my own younger state.
Recovery is ongoing
There often is no end
Many things i require
To help my head mend
Life is undulating
Like the geography of the land
Why do I seem so different,
From everyone else I see,
Smiling, laughing and in love,
While I’m partnered with misery
Why does my..
Once again my mobile summons,
I’m there to take your call,
Ask you how your day has been,
Listen to your events both big and small
is it that those the closest,
the ones who hurt us the most,
short of the support I showed them,
me feel invisible, emp..
can’t believe that it’s 7am Monday morning again. Like clockwork he gets into
his wee financed Ford. It’s the same
grim grey ..
Scottish slang