Jonden Chickeness : Writing

Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by Jonden Chickeness

Jorick froze. He held his breath and kept the bowstring tight. His muscles burned, but if he released too soon the day would be wasted. A light brai..
Chapter Two

Chapter Two

A Chapter by Jonden Chickeness

Jorick struggles to grasp what has happened, but succeeds in meeting some new "friends".
Chapter Three

Chapter Three

A Chapter by Jonden Chickeness

They searched the room together before leaving. There was no key, so they guessed that the Alchemist must have kept it on him. They didn’t find ..
Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by Jonden Chickeness

A shorter chapter with a dire revelation.
Project Artemis

Project Artemis

A Book by Jonden Chickeness

This is my first attempt at a full length book, with sci-fi and fantasy elements.

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