Erika Jones : Writing

The Many Forms of Death; Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven”

The Many Forms of Death; Edgar Allan Poe’s “Th..

A Story by Erika Jones

This is my analysis on The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe I did last semester. I hope everyone enjoys it! I certainly enjoyed writing it :)
It Hurts So Much

It Hurts So Much

A Poem by Erika Jones

It hurts… so much... feeling my heart beating so frantically that it scares me so much until it feels like I am suffocating and drown..
Anxiety and Depression--a conversation with myself

Anxiety and Depression--a conversation with myself

A Poem by Erika Jones

I want to talk to people-- They’ll just make fun of the way you sound. You stutter and trip on everything you say so they tune you ou..


A Poem by Erika Jones

I can feel myself crumbling, falling away from my place in the world where I should feel comfortable in. Like there’s something or some..
Make--it Stop!

Make--it Stop!

A Poem by Erika Jones

Take me away from this darkness and steal away my soul before he kills it. This pain is too much for me to bear much longer in ho..
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A Chapter by Erika Jones

It felt horrible, yet satisfying, when I heard someone whisper to me. Their voices soft, yet their tone suggested hatred, pain, and suffering. I don..
Blood on Fire

Blood on Fire

A Chapter by Erika Jones

He couldn’t help it. The smell of blood enticed him, controlled him, and even drove him to do questionable things that he sometimes wished he ..
Let Me Cry

Let Me Cry

A Chapter by Erika Jones

They said I could join them in their game. But it was a lie. Their game had been soccer until they let me in, then it turned into them using me as..
The Sides of me you Refuse to See

The Sides of me you Refuse to See

A Chapter by Erika Jones

I’m getting worse and you don’t know… you pay attention to me only long enough to see the fake smile I present"the same fake smi..

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