Blank_fortunes : Writing

I slept last night

I slept last night

A Poem by Blank_fortunes

Sleeping is sleeping The visions that come to you are to be determined by you of if they are dreams or not.
Never Arrive

Never Arrive

A Poem by Blank_fortunes

Sometimes you just want to be whole after all the pieces that you deal with throughout the course of your life you just want to be Whole. Nobody is ab..
A physical thing

A physical thing

A Poem by Blank_fortunes

Real Love is more than Physical, but it is still physical.
She had Dreams

She had Dreams

A Poem by Blank_fortunes

To her to what she went through to become who she is. I love you if no one else remembers to. There are a bunch of women in my life that I love and co..
"To get to the other side"

"To get to the other side"

A Poem by Blank_fortunes

Love is a Journey always...


A Poem by Blank_fortunes

Sometimes you miss the past it's not a bad thing.- Memory
Glass heart

Glass heart

A Poem by Blank_fortunes

I had to leave the house and didn't want to lose it
Pink Mountains

Pink Mountains

A Poem by Blank_fortunes

Short and sweet
One Hour

One Hour

A Poem by Blank_fortunes

Relationships shouldn't tear apart friendships. It should also not make you be something other than what you are Perfect.
Don't return

Don't return

A Poem by Blank_fortunes

The way you held my damn hand I don't want you to come back to me and make me feel like nothing ever happened.that our fingers were never weaved toget..