Lovecraft : Writing

Broken Down

Broken Down

A Poem by Lovecraft

The earth breaking a man down.
I Write You Down

I Write You Down

A Poem by Lovecraft

There is the light,Up until the dark,Which pulls you apart,Straining the burden,From you to I.A message cast amongst us,The sea at our very backs,Wind..
A Girl I Once Knew

A Girl I Once Knew

A Poem by Lovecraft

An adult man recalls a girlfriend he had as a teenager.
Blood Of Mine

Blood Of Mine

A Poem by Lovecraft

Just a somewhat abstract poem I wrote which is currently unfinished.
Tears of Blood

Tears of Blood

A Poem by Lovecraft

Read into it any way you want. Call it an experiment in interpretation.
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A Broken Heart

A Broken Heart

A Poem by Lovecraft

A man loses what's most precious to him.
Where To?

Where To?

A Poem by Lovecraft

The sweet meadow nearby, perfumed flowers, alive with vibrant colors,Bluebirds swirling and singing their beautiful melody, carefree and happy,Small c..
I'm Sorry, Baby Girl

I'm Sorry, Baby Girl

A Poem by Lovecraft

A Father tries to comfort his Daughter after something horrible occurs.
Losing Her

Losing Her

A Poem by Lovecraft

A man loses his greatest Love.
In The Dirt I Lay

In The Dirt I Lay

A Poem by Lovecraft
