Lee Lewis Hawkins

Lee Lewis Hawkins


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About Me

Self publisher, poet and lover of music. I appreciate anything artistic especially the natural beauty that surrounds me. I live to write, but share only in hopes of being of benefit to someone else. married with children and love being free.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

thanks... I might just have to find your book somewhere and read it (I haven't done the obvious thing and looked via here yet)

this place has helped me out with giving me confidence in my writing

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I too loved the self publishing comment. that thread made me feel like if I published my book any other way but the costly one I would be seen as a fake writer, but the truth is that I just want to get my writing out there because twenty people have told me I should. I know that sounds goofy, but I told my high school teacher when he told me to publish my stuff that "I'll do it when 19 people agree with you"

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Love what you said about self publishing in the Forum! I'm a self publisher to. My boo is to be released this month. I can't wait... Thanks for taking up for us self Enterprenuers... lol
