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About Me

"Nobody important". Blimey, that's amazing. D'you know, in 900 years of time and space I've never met anyone who wasn't important before.;;

I'm a girl to start out with, fifteen years young, but don't let my age fool you. I've been writing ever since I can remember and it is my biggest passion in life. I'm pretty average and by average I mean weird. As an official fangirl of Doctor Who, Supernatural and Harry Potter, most of my time is spent on my blog, while the other portions are occupied by writing, school and sleeping. I plan on going to the UW School of Journalism & Mass Communication when I finish high school, even though my parents don't approve of that idea. I also want to study abroad in England, though I have no money for that. I really want to get a book published before eighteen, so I can show my parents that writing is an actual career and it's what makes me happy.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thanks for the reading request, Scarletta! I'm looking forward to seeing your work!
Have a beautiful day! ㋡

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Posted 15 Years Ago

In a world where there is such an obvious need for demonstrated love, it is well to realize the enormous power we do have to help and heal people in our lives with nothing more complicated than an outstretched hand or a warm hug. Day's end is a good time to reflect on what you have done to make the world a better, more caring and loving place. If nothing springs to mind night after night, this can also be an excellent time to consider how you can change the world for the better. You need not perform monumental acts, but act on the simple things which are easily accomplished: the phone call you have not made, the note you have put off writing, the kindness you have failed to acknowledge. When it comes to giving love, the opportunities are unlimited and we are all gifted."

- Leo Buscaglia, Born for Love