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Steven Bilodeau

Steven Bilodeau


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Stratford, CT
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About Me

My name is Steven Bilodeau, I am 23 years old and I am attending college. I am going for a Bachelors in Science Majoring in Biology and Minoring in Creative Writing. I'm engaged to an amazing girl which I am very much in love with and have a beautiful daughter, Leah. I was a four year varsity wrestler for Stratford High school where I wrestled at 130 lbs. I am joining the Air National Guard Reserves in January at an E3 level to take advantage of the financial opportunities which would help me finish my schooling. I am an aspiring artist of many fields such as illustrations, painting, acting and creative writing. I hope to one day have several published works of art that overlap several different medias and utilize different methods of presentation. I enjoy the humanities and exploring the philosophy of society and life. I also like traveling and taking photos of my adventures. I also really enjoy food and wine, an appreciation that I have developed working at a high end liquor store where I experiment with several wines, beers and spirits through taste testing. I enjoy playing around with some of the Adobe programs and creating web pages and flash animations at a Novice level. I love innovations in technology, movies, and art particularly because I like originality and try to stray from cliches. However, I realize there is a fine line between cliches and reality thus attempting to not be cliche may be cliche itself, but all I can say is that I don't pursue acting different to be an individual, only that I act as I wish, and that I act as I am, and I am who I am. I also maintain a politically moderate point of view, I consider myself neither a Republican nor Democrat because I don't believe we as a people nor individuals can lump differing human conditions into two separate extremes. I think that selecting a party is further dividing our society and just as foolish as individuals whom protest conformity only to conform to their "own" groups and oppose outsiders or nonconformists, an ignorant ideology which sadly many conform to. Even though I try to stay true to my individuality I also understand that I am affected by society and I don't necessarily believe it is a positive or negative influence, rather I am aware of it, and won't ignorantly claim nothing from society shapes me. But who cares, you probably think I'm a self righteous idiot by now. Anyway, I really like watching and analyzing film because I appreciate the artistic element they encompass. I enjoy listening to all sorts of music, however I prefer a select few, such as: Metal, Hard Rock, Classic Rock, Blues, Alternative Rock, and Grunge. My favorite bands are Alice in Chains, Godsmack and Metallica. I also enjoy reading Marvel Comics especially "The Amazing Spider-man" series and watching Marvel Comics based movies. I appreciate comedy, and I love listening to stand-ups. I like learning because I believe more knowledge equals more power, and that the more you know the better you can understand this world. I like finding out why people are the way they are, and how society shaped them to be that way. I'm also interested in historical events and how they shaped our lives today. I enjoy discussing the philosophy of religion and science. Oh yeah, I do believe in a higher power, otherwise known as God, which I realize is not that common in my generation since everyone is either ashamed of religion or blindly against it because it has become a social norm not to have a religion. Having had said this, I am not a person whom damns others without religion, nor forces my views on others. I believe in tolerance, and thus try to enforce it through my actions. Also, I don't strictly abide by the Church which I believe has become a mockery of the very religion they impose because they preach tolerance and forgiveness but are the first ones to damn non-believers. In any case, life is too short for people to hate each other over subjective ideologies and practices, rather we should embrace our differences as the human race and endeavor to better our selves. I love living life, and I try to be as free spirited and open minded as possible.