Big O

Big O


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About Me

I have been writing stories since I was seven years old. Currently, I'm working on a story that's primarily fantasy, but spans multiple genres. On the back burner, I've got a science fiction story about temporal vortexes. I also write screenplays on the side. And I've got an autobiography in the works.



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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey Big O, I'm always looking for opportunities to share experiences with fellow writers. To me...this is a great community. It's good to meet you.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Thank you for the review of "Cherry Blossom Rain" I am grateful you took the time to read and were willing to be open to the many possibilities woven in the lines - Leah

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Posted 18 Years Ago

:-) Thanks for the review, I know the story gotten a bit short, but I was just a bit confused, that this review was anynomous. I hopefully will be able to return the favor.

Got a bit of a problem reading long texts on a display at the moment, but will hopefully be able to soon. As said before, the start of your prologue sounded promissing so far :-) Keep up with it!

Greetings from Germany
