Sarai Akscyn

Sarai Akscyn


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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Perched in the finest places in the USA from Maine, California, to Hawaii. Fascination with legalese; as well as a love for the written word.

Dear Friends and Colleagues, Please know I'm aware of my irregular syntax. It's "my signature". Some love it and others hate it. Of course, if I am completely misunderstood in my lines I want to know of this. Otherwise, I'm not asking for a literary academes correction on my syntax.

What I need help with in my writes, as I've left in many a nota bene is dialogue. This is where my cup is a void. Dialogue livens the story, and as much as I've studied it; attended workshops on it; I cannot seem to dismantle this albatross in my writes.
Any tips, samples, would be welcome here. I do thank all of you for spending time and care reviewing my writes.
Ojo! Si somos lo mas locos. Yo mas oddisismo. (Excepting for Lola, naturally!) Paz, Sarai


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey Sarai! How are you? I've really missed seeing you around. Of course, I haven't been very active in the past few months myself. I haven't heard anything about them shutting the site down. Hope you get crackin' and postin' soon! Cheers! Rob

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I stopped by to read.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey Sarai. Thanks for swinging on by to read. Hmmm. You know, I've noticed it too. I think I need to get back to that old style of writing, and you reminding me of it, is exactly what I think I needed to hear. Missed you. Take care, my friend. Rob

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I feel bad because I keep reading the same one and I don't comment on it I'm sorry for that. I don't know what's wrong with me.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank u Saraiiiiiiiiiii!


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Posted 17 Years Ago

It was not hard to tackle all of them at once. I'm glad I could give my opinion, but I'm sorry there was nothing I could say to be helpful on making it better. It was good enough already. :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

girl, ... i have read some of them, I didn't comment? I should.

well, it's late and i've been frustrated for too many hours.

I'll catch up with you soon and figure out how to get your stuff in the mail and get my car from st. louis.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

you are so funny.

--- yes, I will send it this week. I have a little dilemma due to a writer who shall remain nameless and stole my car key ... yes girl, keep the writers on their meds.


anyway, I will get your stuff out and I know its past due.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I thought we should start a group "writers who don't read" and the threads in the forum could be all these great little things about why they don't read and what's the point anyway?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

oh sarai, never. I'm bitching about the cafe. ahahahahha.

btw, i have a box here, yes still here for you - I swear i'll mail it soon as soon as drama leaves me the ____ alone.

Girl, right now my car is in st. louis and i'm in kansas city and I am lacking a KEY to the car! yes. true. sigh.